Support Us

Ways to support WJCS:

1. PRAYER: considered to be vital to our ministry,

2. ADVERTISE: Although we are commercial free you can tell others who we are and where we are (89.3 FM) so they may receive the blessings that you have experienced. In the Bangor Area, we are on 97.7 FM In the Kutztown Area, we are on 106.5, and in Lehigh TWP, we are on 106.3

3. FINANCIALLY: after supporting your church, you may want to consider making a tax-deductible contribution by making your check payable to “WJCS” and mailing them to:

P.O. Box 8900
Allentown, PA 18105-8900

We also have the capability of accepting either VISA, MASTER CARD or DISCOVER via our website. To make your gift online, please use the “Donate to WCJS” section on the right (if on a computer) or at the bottom (if on a mobile device).

All donations are tax deductible. Statements are mailed periodically throughout the year and a final year end statement of giving is mailed in January for tax purposes.

We ask that, as with all transactions, a donation to our station be handled in such a way so as not to place a financial burden on the contributor and that biblical principles of giving be upheld.